- Iron Sharpens Athletes
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- About Coach E.

10,000+ hours - teaching, leading, coaching, mentoring
10,000+ hours - growing, developing, winning, facing new challenges
10,000+ hours coaching individuals and teams in winning by teaching life skills through sports
25 plus years as a highly successful basketball and football coach
Has also coached: volleyball, track and field, hockey, soccer
Hall of Fame Coach inductee at Loyalist College
Over 1000 Games Won
Over 50 Championships and Tournaments Won
Coached and trained more than 1500 athletes of all ages.
Mentored more than 50 successful coaches.
Who is Coach E.
Family man with 3 boys and 1 step daughter.
Someone helping athletes, parents and coaches on zoom meetings or in person.
Traveling North America helping people and teams be successful.
Still coaching Basketball and Football.
Escaping to Mexico when he can find a week.