Biskit Brant

Quote of the week

"True champions are always open to new ways of getting better."   -Coach E

Story of The Week

Chris "Biskit" Brant was more than just a talented lacrosse goaltender; he was a legend in the making. Growing up in Tyendinaga, Mohawk Territory, Chris earned his nickname because of his relentless ability to block shots. “He eats those balls up like a dog eats biscuits,” his coach once said, and the name stuck. His natural talent, combined with an unrelenting work ethic, made him a force on the field from an early age.

As a kid, Chris could often be found in his backyard, begging friends to take endless shots at him. His reputation as the best goalie in his age group spread quickly. By the time he was 17, he was drafted into the pro league. However, the transition wasn’t as smooth as he had hoped. Despite his dedication, his game performances faltered.

Frustrated but determined, he kept pushing until one day, a teammate asked, “How much film are you watching?” Chris admitted he wasn’t watching any. He was so focused on practice that he hadn’t considered the mental side of the game. Chris had always believed that hard work on the field was enough. But he was open to learning. He began studying game film, analyzing his own weaknesses, and observing his opponents’ tendencies.

By watching film, Chris realized where he was leaving the net vulnerable and how shooters were exploiting those gaps. He adapted, fine-tuning his technique and anticipating plays before they happened. Physical effort is important, but Chris’s growth came when he added mental preparation to his training. Soon, "Biskit" was back on top, reclaiming his status as the best goalie in the game.

Stat of the week

History Lesson

Lacrosse, originating from Indigenous peoples of North America around 1100 AD, was played as a spiritual and training activity, with early versions involving hundreds of players on large fields. 

Golf traces its roots to 15th-century Scotland, where players in the 1400s used clubs to hit a ball into a hole in as few strokes as possible. 

American football evolved in the late 19th century, between the 1860s and 1880s, from rugby and soccer, with early college games shaping the sport’s unique rules. 

Basketball, invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts, was designed as an indoor game to keep athletes active during the winter. 

Modern tennis developed from the French game "jeu de paume" in the 16th century, where players initially used their hands and later rackets to strike a ball.


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